The Sky on Fire, by Jenn Lyons - Jasmin

My favourite genre of books has always been fantasy and has always been dragons. So when I heard this book was about a heist with dragons, I was already buzzing with excitement. Thankfully Lyons's standalone novel did not disappoint and has even made its way into my favourite books.

The Sky on Fire is set in a world split by class: the Skylanders, who boast the population of upperclass dragonriders, and those from the Deep. In this world, humans are slaves to dragons, only there to control their magic and stop them from going rampant. When it transpires that the mysterious figure, Anahord the Wicked, who had been sentenced to death by the current regent and powerful dragon, Neveranimas, is not dead, a misfit team and a dragonrider are set on finding and using the knowledge she has to rob Neveranimas, and show the corruption and depth of harshness the dragon has been inflicting on both the dragonic and human societies.

Lyons' writing is witty and has many plot twists that keep reader on their toes. The characters are all unique - one even speaking only in quotes from books and plays - and bring their own baggage and trauma that makes the twists and turns of this book pull on the reader's emotions. It also includes a love triangle between three of the main characters that develops into an alliance for the ages by the end of the book.

This is the perfect book for those who want a crossover of The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon and Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo. I cannot recommend it enough.

  • Jasmin


A Novel Love Story, by Ashley Poston - Nicola


Costanza, Rachel Blackmore - Paige