The Ice Children, by MG Leonard - Raphael, aged 9

This book is so exciting and mysterious, you don’t know what is going to happen next!

Finn and Bianca Albedo are the two main characters and when Finn is found frozen in the city, it is a race against time for his big sister (Bianca) to rescue him. She thinks that a book (that was very sparkly) that Finn recently got out of the library might have something to do with it, but… the book has vanished! Through the story more and more children are frozen and Bianca is hurled into a wonderful winter wonderland both beautiful and dangerous in equal measure.

My favourite part of the book is when a girl got the same sparkly book from the library and Bianca tried to get it from her but the girl ran away because she didn’t want Bianca to see it. This was curious because it is exactly how Finn reacted when Bianca tried to look at the book … this made me realise that there was more to the book that I first thought.

A huge 5 stars from me … it is a lovely, mysterious wintery tale, just intime for the most sparkly time of year!*

  • Raphael, aged 9

* Note that Raphael was a star to write this review for us in time for Christmas! Sadly the bookshop was too busy to get it up in time.


The Final Act of Juliette Willoughby, by Ellery Lloyd - Kate


Until the Road Ends, by Phil Earle - Paul