The Dark Wives, Ann Cleeves - Tom

Ann Cleeves has done it again. Fans of her Vera series of books will have to wait until August for this excellent addition to the Vera story.

There are new characters introduced as would be expected, some of whom will doubtlessly appear in any future episodes, but Cleeves also references other characters from previous volumes. The reader is assumed to have read previous books in the series and is aware of the Vera back story. Despite this, even if you’re picking up The Dark Wives before any other instalment, you’re not missing anything, as this story definitely functions as a stand-alone.

This is another page turner which I read in one, albeit long, session. The three wives get a reasonably early mention before fading from view until playing an integral part later, but to give away any further details of events would spoil the book for devotees of Vera. Such devotees will not be disappointed.

  • Tom


One Wrong Turn, by CM Ewan - Lea