Meet the Mubbles, by Liz Pichon - Miss Hart & her Year 2 Class!

I read this book to my Year 2 class (6-7 year olds) and to say they loved it is an understatement. By the end, every member of the class wants to move to the Isle of Smile.

They found all of the characters really funny and loved how they interacted with each other throughout the book. I think every single one of them wishes that 'fruit string trees' were a real thing and they all promised that they wouldn't get in as much of a mess with it as Berry and Bash did!

The book was a bright and joyous adventure that had the children gripped from the first page. It was great for the children to predict what they think will happen next in the book.

They are all desperate for a sequel to find out what actually happened after the button was pressed by the clumsy Wibbles (spoiler alert) so please make this happen.!

Nicole said, 'It was BRILLIANT!'

Mo said, 'I loved it when the button was pressed.'

Aisha said, 'The slug is my favourite character, I like it when he tells the Mubbles off.'

Jamal said, 'I liked the incredible pictures.'

Arcadia said, ' I liked it when they ate all the fruit strings and forgot to do their jobs.'

  • Nicola


The Romantic Tragedies of a Drama King, by Harry Trevaldwyn review - Paige & Nicola


The Place of Tides, by James Rebanks - Tom